No ambiguity here

Will B.C. politicians hear taxpayers’ clear response to the referendum?

A letter writer is surprised – but pleased – at the overwhelming ‘no’ response in the transit referendum.

A letter writer is surprised – but pleased – at the overwhelming ‘no’ response in the transit referendum.

Which part of no do politicians not understand?

I must admit, I was very surprised that the “no” side won  in the transit referendum – and so dominantly to boot.

I am happy to witness that more people starting to pay attention to what our “rulers” are up to.

Yet TransLink still doesn’t seem to get the message that this referendum was about them and their lack of accountability. I like to use the saying “can’t fix stupid.”

The millions of tax dollars spent in the “yes” campaign was a swift kick in our already thin-lined wallets.

So I have to ask myself, which part of no do the politicians and their backers not understand?

And what are the defeated mayors doing now? Of course passing the ball back into Christy Clark’s court – a game that is played amongst politicians with our dollars, yet we don’t even get to sit in the bleachers to watch.

Why do so many people still call this democracy? Even though the no side won, look what it actually cost us. I agree that the defeated mayors should be responsible for their manipulative campaign.

Our province has much more important issues than supporting an a crooked TransLink, including health care, poverty, homelessness, drug wars in Surrey, overdevelopment in White Rock, etc. – the list is endless.

Dear folks, please stay awake. We do have the people power if we want to.

There is more to come from our so-called representatives.


Maggie Bernet, White Rock

Surrey Now Leader