No choice with wireless meters

Dear editor,
With most wireless devices there is some choice.

Dear editor,With most wireless devices there is some choice.You may choose to live away from cell phone towers, and choose not to use a cell phone, etc. With wireless meters, there is no choice.Now that the World Health Organization has placed wirelessradiation on the class 2B carcinogen list, reasonable people are calling for an immediate halt to this smart meter project and a recall of all related equipment.Let’s not follow the USA where in 1996 the TelecommunicationsAct took away freedom to take legal action against the wirelessindustry. In 1998 this legislation was strengthened to absolve thewireless industry of any liability.On, Rob States presents The Dark Side of Smart Meters. One of many items mentioned is the San Francisco Tower study (AM, FM and TV waves), which has caused a huge increase in certain childhood cancers. Let’s not follow blindly.Georgia Henderson,Royston

Comox Valley Record