No control

In response to Lou Barnum’s Friday letter about “Fewer Dogs, Please.”

In response to Lou Barnum’s Friday letter about “Fewer Dogs, Please.”

Last Wednesday my friend and I had our two labs at Little Qualicum Fish Hatchery when we had a run in with another pack of dogs.

The women striding to keep up had some of them on shock collars and none on leashes.

The first time we had to ward off one of her growling dogs, which eventually was joined by a second loose dog and both were growling and displaying dominant posturing toward our dogs.

Both of ours were under control. I’ll admit my intact male did growl back but never offered to go after any of them.

I shoved one spaniel thing away and never thought “What a stupid thing to do, to touch it” because it growled at me when I did.

The women was nowhere near if anything did happen.

On her way back, same thing. Some of the pack broke away and came straight at us with their heads down, stiff tails and growling.

Only this time, they were looking for the rest of the herd.

I yelled for them to ‘go home!’ a few times.

Just because a person does something one way for many years, does not make what they do right!

Put your dammed dogs on a leash!

Grab a brain and grow some common sense before you hurt someone or someone’s dog, or both.

Lee Beck, Qualicum Beach

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