In today’s high-tech society we rely heavily on our need for electricity. It is truly an essential service, providing light, heat, food storage, cooking, cleaning, communications, and the list goes on and on.
Why then should BC Hydro, or any utility, have the right to take this essential service away from anyone?
It is high time that utility companies are told to provide electrical service and not to threaten anyone with disconnection. If there is a payment problem or dispute, there should be a separate body to sort out issues or by referring the matter to social service agencies (for financial assistance) or to the courts.
The only time BC Hydro should be allowed to disconnect service is at the request of the customer or when a property is vacated or about to be demolished.
It isn’t right to threaten someone’s personal safety or psychological well-being. Isn’t BC Hydro doing this by threatening customers with disconnection? Isn’t this tantamount to criminal harassment?
Manitoba has one of the better regulations in protecting customers from disconnection, especially in colder months when disconnection is not allowed. In B.C. we are left out in the cold. Shame on our legislators, regulatory bodies and utilities for not protecting the public from the bullying tactic of sending out disconnection notices.
Jason Lewko, Delta