No excuses to not vote in provincial election

Dear editor,

There are no excuses not to vote on May 14, or before.

Dear editor,

There are no excuses not to vote on May 14, or before.

Four parties with four platforms to chose from.

For those opposed to the Raven Coal mine and oil tankers, and want a different approach to our entire way of life in B.C., the Green Party needs your vote.

For those who support good resource-based jobs, balanced budgets and want to eliminate the unfair, ineffective carbon tax, vote BC Conservatives.

Those who support raising tax revenue from those who can easily afford to contribute more to our society, while providing more services and more debt, vote NDP.

The BC Liberals have been in power for some time. They have almost doubled the provincial debt created by the NDP. BC Liberals have a record of supporting the hiring of temporary foreign workers to improve productivity, but they have a plan to benefit all British Columbians from the natural gas boom.

I’m concerned about the debt that the big spenders will leave to my grandchildren. None of these parties have the “silver bullet,” but the candidate and party policy of your choice deserves your vote. Please vote.

Phil Harrison,

Comox Valley

Comox Valley Record