No independent study on smart meters

BC Hydro Smart meters

To the editor:

I am writing regarding the page 4 article, headlined BC Hydro defends smart meter safety, in the Aug. 3 edition of the Free Press.

In the article BC Hydro deputy project officer Fiona Taylor explained the program is part of the province’s Clean Energy Act.

The Clean Energy Act was passed last year, but it exempted the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) from looking into smart meters.

Smart meters are being implemented without any oversight from the BCUC. The primary responsibility of the BCUC is the regulation of British Columbia’s natural gas and electricity utilities.

BCUC is not being allowed to do so in the case of smart meters.

We have no one looking out for our interests except maybe BC Hydro’s slick ads and, of course, ourselves.

Even Provincial Health Officer Dr. Perry Kendall is suggesting the electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from smart meters is negligible.

There is more in-depth research out there about the damaging effects of EMR. On May 31, the World Health Organization declared non-ionizing radiation from cell phones, WI-FI, and smart meters are Class 2B “possible” carcinogen.

Class 2B carcinogen also includes DDT, lead, gasoline exhaust, and many industrial chemicals.


Diane Black



100 Mile House Free Press