No mention of OAS change in election

Re: OAS changes aim to deal with boomers, Feb. 2.

To the Editor,

Re: OAS changes aim to deal with boomers, Feb. 2.

The Harper government plans on rolling ahead with its plan to raise the age that seniors are eligible for Old Age Security benefit and Guaranteed Income Supplement from 65 to 67, despite the opposition from nearly three-quarters of Canadians, according to an Ipsos Reid poll.

Harper, however, isn’t asking any MPs to deal with such austerity. His party wants to maintain MP’s lucrative public pension plans, but put pressure on normal Canadians.

Given that this affects many low-income and ill seniors, why is it just being sprung on us now? Harper’s Conservatives actually campaigned on supporting low-income seniors.

We didn’t hear anything of these cuts during the election, but I guess this is what we should expect from the rest of our four-year sentence with this regime.

Bryan Crockett


Nanaimo News Bulletin