‘No more pipelines, no matter what’

Christy and her band of merry politicians should be fighting to prevent any such pipeline from coming onto British Columbia soil

The column in Tuesday’s Chilliwack Progress by Margaret Evans misses the point, in my opinion.

Christy Clark has given the appearance of opposing the pipelines and the inherent risks involved to both inland and marine environments. In fact, she has covered herself, no matter what happens.

If the pipeline is built and British Columbia receives our fair share of the pie, she will look good. If the pipeline is not built, she can claim that  it was her government’s opposition that did the trick. Either way, she wins. Either way, she can claim a victory for her party and their “determined stand.” All of the above is hogwash.

The pipeline, as it is proposed, will run through some of the most pristine wilderness on the planet. When a spill happens, it will be almost impossible for Enbridge to get to the spill and contain it. Considering their record, this will be a disaster. We’re dealing with the Keystone Cops here, and, folks, it isn’t a matter of if there will be a spill, but when. Remember, if it can happen, it will.

Then the pipeline will be used to load supertankers, up to 400 a year, again in some of the most pristine and vulnerable coastline on the planet. When the oil spill happens, not if but when, it will be far larger and far more disastrous that the Exxon Valdez was. Again, if it can happen, it will.

Christy and her band of merry politicians should be fighting to prevent any such pipeline from coming onto British Columbia soil, no matter how many promises are made by Enbridge, Alberta and the Feds. She should stop playing politics and start working for the benefit of British Columbians, not the Liberal Party.

No more pipelines, no matter what. No more tankers, no matter what.

Jerry Riches

Chilliwack Progress