No one attempting to halt progress

On Friday, March 2 a petition opposing parallel parking in downtown Rossland was made available to Rossland residents via local businesses.

On Friday, March 2 a petition opposing parallel parking in downtown Rossland was made available to Rossland residents via local businesses in the downtown core.

Two and a half days later, the petition was collected and presented to Rossland council. In that short time span 616 signatures opposing proposed parallel parking had been collected.

Clearly, a large group of citizens have demonstrated a very strong and united front against what is widely regarded as a poor and unworkable plan.

The Trail Times and the Rossland News report that “former Rossland Mayor Bill Profilli classifies these fellow citizens as naysayers.”

Mel Baird at Peoples Drug Mart states: “ The opposition to parallel parking was unanimous. Not a single person coming into the store on those two days was in favour of parallel parking. In fact, people were getting quite upset at the mention of it.”

As stated by Profilli, 24 fellow residents of Rossland oppose this position and wish the project to proceed as originally proposed.

I believe that we are looking to the future with a vision. Our vision is the preservation of a beautiful and functional historical main street.

No one is attempting to halt progress regarding necessary upgrades to Columbia Avenue. Six hundred and sixteen residents are merely stating that the “vision” to change main street into a narrow, less accommodating version of itself would be a waste of time and our tax dollars.

Roseanne Chobanuk and Mel Baird for:

The 616 citizens Of Rossland who “Have a Vision Which Preserves The Historical Columbia Ave.”

Trail Daily Times