No one takes more slack than Allen

Passion for community should be commended, whether you agree or not

It always bemuses me that whenever I’ve picked up a copy of the Agassiz/Harrison paper in the last 30 years, I can pretty much count on someone slagging John Allen.

I’ve known John personally over this time, many years as a resident of Harrison myself.  I don’t think we’ve ever agreed on anything, yet we’ve managed understand and compromise.

I voted for John in many municipal elections, many I didn’t.

The one thing to me that stands out most about John Allen is his dedication and commitment to community. No other person in Harrison has taken so much flack for standing up for his constituents elected or not, right or wrong.

The people of Harrison should welcome John’s input and opposition and know when the chips are down, there’ll be at least one person to count on regardless.

Art Green



Agassiz Observer