No realistic alternatives to pipelines

No realistic alternatives to pipelines

There are no realistic alternatives to pipelines

There are no realistic alternatives to pipelines

Dear Editor,

Just to get everyone’s attention, the Kinder Morgan pipeline must be built. There are several reasons for this. Reason number one is the obvious job creation and number two, it will help the country’s international trade.

But the last and most important reason is that the fanatical opposition to this project offers no economically suitable alternative. All they keep saying is that there must be a better way, or that we must protect the ecosystem at all costs.

In all their objections not one concrete, valid economically sound alternative has ever been put forth. As an example, the leader of B.C.’s Green Party talks about everyone driving electric cars and in the same breath tries to shut down the Site C dam, which would produce the power necessary to run those cars.

Folks, whether you like it or not, our country is not yet technologically able to offer an affordable alternative to the production and transport of fossil fuels. In order to stop what you think of as unacceptable there must be a viable affordable alternative. We do not, as a society, have that ability, yet. In the meantime, would it not make more sense to ensure that these projects that are necessary to our economic well-being are built in the safest possible manner and that every precaution that is available be put in place to ensure it will be as safe as humanly possible? Nothing is perfect, accidents do happen, but adherence to all the rules and safeguards will ensure the best of all possible outcomes.

Folks, get on board with reality and make these projects as good as they can be. Until technology catches up with reality, be on the right side of good, safe economic development and jump off your soapbox.

Rob McCulloch

Comox, B.C.

Terrace Standard