No respect from UK government

 We also share the discrimination of U.K. pension freezing, along with many others who chose to live in Canada after World War II.

Our situation is remarkably alike to the Muir’s as we came here with our young family in 1957.

We are thankful that we are not reliant on the $200 a month, being our frozen U.K. Old Age Assistance.

I too, have considered returning my war medals to the U.K. government, but as an 18-year-old infantry soldier who faced battle in North West Europe and was wounded in action during the assault over the Rhine in 1945, I have earned them.

Unfortunately, we do not have the respect of the British government.

I also do not expect to live to see this injustice remedied.

Thank you for bringing this to public attention.

Leonard Chenery

Abbotsford News