No sense in OKing permit

NANAIMO – Re: Slope collapse puts halt to construction, March 2.

To the Editor,

Re: Slope collapse puts halt to construction, March 2.

What’s yet again wrong with this photo?

It never seems to amaze me just how many ever continuing times this city council manages to screw things up to which in turn costs the taxpayers, but this particular one really takes the sloppy cake award.

Someone must have been out to lunch and/or wearing sunglasses at night when the OK was given to start excavating at this particular site.

Not only was it an all-too-familiar case of failure to understand Newton’s law of gravity, but also overall to even think about building a house on any slippery slope, especially here in earthquake-prone British Columbia, is just plain nuts.

In all, there is a lack of common sense along with safety concerns.

Al Munro


Nanaimo News Bulletin