No sign bylaw discussion with businesses

Laura Bolster says the Town has not spoken with business organizations on the final version of the proposed sign bylaw.

Substantive changes have been made to the proposed sign bylaw which passed third reading at the Smithers Town council meeting on July 26.

Although the changes have sweeping ramifications for both business owners and local sign builders, Council has rejected their own town staff’s recommendation to refer the revised bylaw to the Chamber of Commerce, BVEDA and Downtown Merchants for comment prior to final adoption.

Final adoption is expected to occur at the next council meeting on Aug. 9. Of particular concern is that in the downtown core, all new or replacement signs must incorporate relief in the form of recessed, routed, raised, or die-cut letters. In addition, permanent signs in all other commercial zones must incorporate wood, metal (excluding aluminum, alupanel or similar composite material, glass, or lettering that is recessed, routed, raised or die-cut.) Also, opaque stickers, including Chamber of Commerce stickers, are not allowed on the outside of windows.

I urge everyone to contact the Town council and voice your concerns about these changes they are trying to quietly adopt into law.




Laura Bolster


Smithers Interior News