No sympathy for Fish and Game folks at Comox Lake

Dear editor,
I see Courtenay and District Fish and Game Protective Association (CDFGPA) officials whining from their headquarters up at Comox Lake about folks going over to the Bluffs at Comox Lake to party.
Aren't you the group that sold out your old stomping grounds on the Puntledge River, creating a subdivision full of people who are now looking for places to recreate?

Dear editor,I see Courtenay and District Fish and Game Protective Association (CDFGPA) officials whining from their headquarters up at Comox Lake about folks going over to the Bluffs at Comox Lake to party.Aren’t you the group that sold out your old stomping grounds on the Puntledge River, creating a subdivision full of people who are now looking for places to recreate?Aren’t you the group that took over the best spots at the end of Comox Lake and fenced off everybody else’s access to the safe partying spots at the dryland sort and the foreshore on this side of the gate?In fact, I’d go so far as to say it was mostly your actions that forced the kids over the bridge to the bluffs where fire could sweep up the mountain side at the drop of the hat. You know it was pretty hard to set fire to that dryland sort. Ask some of your members — they know. They used to be the ones partying out there. Oh wait, right, they still are….And why are people going all the way out to the Comox Lake Bluffs or Wolf Lake to party anyways? Well partly because they have been forced away from all the more accessible beaches and other traditional party spots by the uber-righteous smoke Nazis, the over-empowered, curfew wielding public servants and the jealous, newly installed land owners who want to keep it all to themselves.You know it was a lot easier to monitor and control partiers along Lazo Road and at the Spit then it is out at the Bluffs. Dracula’s Castle was a pretty much bomb-proof spot before TimberWest destroyed it.So now Dukovich threatens to block access to Stotan Falls this summer so that’ll be one more spot down the tubes for assembling. Pretty soon the only places left to party will be at quiet, out of the way spots, like at the end of Berray Road.Soon, you too CDFGPA, will be forced off Comox Lake by that crowd down at the public health office. Don’t be looking for us to rally to your defence.Say, just between you and me, just how much lead is going into the water table from that shooting range you have up there anyways? Is it better or worse than the runoff coming out of those coal reject piles out there towards Whites Bay?I’m just asking.Grant Gordon,CVRD Area C

Comox Valley Record