No to Trudeau

Federal carbon-tax and government revenue marijuana for our youth isn't what we need, says Langley resident.

To the Editor,

Where do the federal Liberals come up with these wanting egocentric novelties? They aren’t making the same mistake they made with Stephane Dion or Michael Ignatieff, no way, this time they have a pretty boy, shiny pony Justin Trudeau.

Just what we need, a federal carbon-tax and government revenue marijuana for our youth.

This is the policy direction Trudeau is campaigning to take Canada if his P.M. dreams come true. You can’t make this stuff up.

He says he admires China more than other countries “because of their basic dictatorship”.

Remember Stephane Dion’s 2008 ‘Green Shift’?, well Trudeau is resurrecting it in his own image this time called “carbon pricing”.

It tells us everything that Trudeau selects a radical environmental extremist in Gerald Butts as his principal advisor. Butts is an ex CEO of World Wildlife Fund Canada which is anti progress of anything developed by man except their bankrupt ideas of ‘green’.

Roland Seguin,


Alberni Valley News