No way to run a government

You cannot run a peanut stand if you are open just 44 days a year.

Yet, that is all the time the B.C. legislature has sat this year.

To The Editor:

You cannot run a peanut stand if you are  open just 44 days a year.

Yet, that is all the time the B.C. legislature has sat this year.

That is no way to run a government.

Just take a look at the HST.  It was  voted down in a referendum in August 2011, yet, because the B.C. legislature is not sitting, the  Liberals under Christy Clark will not eliminate it until April 2013.

The HST drives up the costs for thousands of goods and services and families and small businesses are suffering as a result of this awful tax.

The Child Poverty Rate, according to Stats canada, is the highest in Canada for six years in a row.  It has been eroded by eleven years of N.C. liberal Government, first under Gordon Campbell and now Christy Clark.

That is no way to run a government.

The environment is under constant attack, with Clark supporting oil tankers on our coast, pipelines across our wilderness and promoting fish farms over preserving wild salmon.

That is no way to run a government.

B.C. has now had four consecutive deficits in a row, including the biggest deficits this province has ever seen.  When this Liberal government took power in 2001, they pledged to “outlaw” red ink from the province’s books forever.

They can not be trusted, even to run a peanut stand.

That is no way to run a government.


Gladys Brown, Midway, B.C.



Keremeos Review