No wonder I’m alienated

I have one postal address and one primary residence, one planet on which to live

Re: Oil protest a slippery slope for cities (B.C. Views, Oct. 7).

Tom Fletcher’s analysis of jurisdiction regarding pipeline expansion and oil distribution in B.C. ignores one important fact. I have one postal address and one primary residence, one planet on which to live.

I also am governed by three political jurisdictions that are supposed to manage “the common good” on behalf of all. None do so. I pay taxes and idealize that some official somewhere will handle environmental issues in sustainable ways. Not so.

Such leaders are situated within non-government organizations – who also want money. No wonder I am an alienated citizen, disgusted with public sector overexpenditures and irresponsibilities regarding basic survival.

I do vote! And I am delighted that some new faces and names are appearing on ballot lists. My hope is that other voters will listen to these unknown candidates. Somewhere among them are future leaders who will help guide us to a more viable Canada.

Betty Donaldson


Campbell River Mirror