Nobody likes the walk of shame

Spin My Ride with James Durand

We have all been there, ripping along on a great ride only to realize you have no traction, the ride just got a little sketchy and the air leaking out of your tire sounds like an air compressor at full pressure

This completely ruins the flow of your ride, but if you’re lucky, you have the skill and equipment to make the repair and continue on.

Many times though, the ride is over and you are now forced to do the walk of shame while pushing your bike all the way home on a flat tire.

You can also cause damage to your tire or your rim during a flat.

Sometimes its hard to get stopped quickly enough and before you know it, you’re cracking open the wallet for a new tire, or worse, a major wheel repair.

No mater how you look at it, flats suck!

So what can we do to eliminate them?

Go tubeless…

Removing your tube and converting your wheels to tubeless is a great way to eliminate almost all flats and it’s easy and inexpensive.

It’s as simple as removing the tube, sealing up the rim and reinstalling the tire with some “slime” and a special valve. Not only have you avoided the possibility of tube punctures (no tube to puncture), but the slime also fills small leaks that may occur in the tire during your rides. You now have a bike that is almost puncture proof, a tire that is more supple and you have the option to ride with lower pressures to enhance your traction and ability on the trails.

So if you hate flats as much as I do, check out the tubeless options.

Most bikes are ready to convert to tubeless and for only about 45 bucks per wheel.

A small price to pay for such a huge improvement.


I’m James Durand and I’m Goin’ Ridin’


Campbell River Mirror