
What a revelation that getting the Raven Coal Mine Application re-submitted is slower than anticipated

Re: The NEWS Jan. 9 ‘Raven to re-submit coal mine application by end of March.’

What a revelation by Stephen Ellis of Compliance Energy Corporation that getting the Raven Coal Mine Application re-submitted is slower than anticipated and getting the information required by the government has taken some time.

Compliance was an active participant for several years in drafting the Application Information Requirements (AIR) which were finalized on June 7, 2012. They had full knowledge of the required information and after 10 months submitted their Application which on May 16, 2013 was rejected because it did not yet contain all of the required information set out in the AIR. Compliance’s response was that it was typical and not unexpected after a first review. Hardly an adequate response when Compliance had or should have had full knowledge of the required information.

Now, some 19 months after the AIR is finalized, we’re being told the revised Application will be submitted by the end of March 2014, months later than the original estimate of “ a couple of months”.

This pattern of under performing and underestimating is in my view just one reason the project has received such scant support. An important part of any mining project going forward is to obtain social license in the communities impacted by the project. In my opinion, the actions of Compliance over the past four years, should be an example of  how not to obtain social license.

John Snyder

Fanny Bay

Parksville Qualicum Beach News