North Cowichan idling bylaw could go further

I appreciate North Cowichan’s concern with idling and I support their efforts to restrict unnecessary idling.

I appreciate North Cowichan’s concern with idling and I support their efforts to restrict unnecessary idling.

However, if our goal is to minimize pollution and fuel consumption, we could go a lot further.

We drive to Duncan frequently using the Trans Canada Highway. The speed limit varies, but most of our trip is 90 km/h. Between Fisher Road and Duncan we encounter several stop lights, and I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve made it to Duncan without stopping at least three times. It’s pretty clear these lights are triggered by cross traffic. Lots of fuel is consumed, lots of exhaust from idling at lights, much wear and tear on our vehicles happens with all of this stopping and starting.

Wouldn’t it make sense to time the lights so that a driver doing the speed limit wouldn’t have to stop more than once? I think this would encourage drivers to slow, as well as save on fuel and wear and tear. There are issues around direction of traffic etc.; these have been studied and solved. One resource is the Signal Timing Manual,

What do you say councillors?


Chris Koehn

Cobble Hill

Cowichan Valley Citizen