North Delta is truly heading downhill

It’s sad to see that so many homeowners now simply just don’t seem to care about the appearance of their space as well as their street and municipality

I have to agree with Barb Jackson regarding North Delta going downhill (Letters, Aug. 2).

I remember the good old days too but unfortunately it is not only North Delta, but many areas of the Lower Mainland.

I am fortunate to live on a nice street in North Delta that still looks respectable due to good neighbours that take care of their homes.

However, a block this way or that, and a lot of North Delta is starting to look like a ghetto.

It’s sad to see that so many homeowners now simply just don’t seem to care about the appearance of their space as well as their street and municipality.

It is a shame to see once quaint rancher homes mowed down and replaced with huge places that should be on acre lots.

Basement suites rented to who knows who and cars parked all over the place.

It seems that North Delta counsel turns a blind eye to it all because of the almighty dollar.

It is too late now, the damage is done, the problem is getting worse year after year.

Was it worth the tax dollars?

I doubt that anyone who remembers North Delta from years past would think so.


Vic Roberts

North Delta

Surrey Now Leader