North Island MLA can’t have it both ways about hospital(s)

Dear editor,

Re: MLA Trevena requesting details of government decision to build two hospitals instead of one regional facility.

Dear editor,

Re: MLA Trevena requesting details of government decision to build two hospitals instead of one regional facility.

I find this very puzzling to say the least, when MLA Trevena supported, if not led, the Campbell River and rural group along with the Campbell River doctors led by Dr. Tabarsi, who campaigned aggressively to cancel the regional hospital plan immediately after it was moved by then-regional hospital director Don McRae, and passed by a large majority.

After Dr. Tabarsi’s statements that, “You (Fred Bates), and the board are worse dictators than my home country, Iran,” and further stated that I should know, “that anyone who is more than 15 minutes from hospital and has a heart attack, will die,” both of which are ridiculous statements and likely made to cover his real reasons for opposing the one-hospital model.

Their effort resulted in the Campbell River council agreeing to oppose the new hospital plan, and the one who would not was immediately removed as a representative to the board by the mayor.

The rural directors decided to support each other and together outvoted the directors of Courtenay, Comox, and Cumberland. Of course, all of this was their right to do and they succeeded.

My puzzlement comes from MLA Trevena now demanding an explanation, and suggests the Campbell River doctors are now victims.

Trevena and Dr. Tabarsi, unlike Solomon, demanded the baby be split in half and now want an explanation for the mess!

Perhaps the good doctor would volunteer to do the autopsy on the baby, in Campbell River, of course — amazing!

Fred Bates,


Editor’s note: Fred Bates is the past chair of the Comox Strathcona Regional Hospital District. Claire Trevena is the NDP MLA for the North Island riding, which includes Campbell River.

Comox Valley Record