North Saanich needs to vote again

It is distressing to see what is happening in North Saanich

North Saanich needs to vote again

It is distressing to see what is happening in North Saanich. It would seem to me that now is the time for the people of our community to speak through another vote. I see this as the only way to determine the true feeling of our residents rather than the dyslexic stumbling of our current crop of councillors.

All of the current proposed projects are outside of the official community plan which took years to conclude. Who gave council the right to amend the plan without going back to our residents to vote on changes? Let’s start again with some fresh faces that can work together to improve this special place we live in and will truly use the views of our residents in that endeavour. There are serious problems here. Something is very wrong. Let’s vote on it and soon.

William R. Webster, North Saanich

Victoria News