Northern Gateway part of global economy

The idea that local taxpayers have a say could be totally wrong

Dear Sir:

Some years ago when I was in Gerry King’s antipoverty office I spotted a bundle of newsletters from Maude Barlow’s Council of Canadians.  With permission I borrowed some and read them with interest.  Once article in particular caught my eye and I remember it quite well, especially in recent days.

It said that member states of the World Trade Organization [WTO] can go into any member state, exploit the resources with no attention to local [environmental] laws, no hiring of local workers, and essentially leave whatever mess they made while extracting said nation’s resources. It would also leave the local taxpayers to pick up the costs involved.

At the moment our federal government is selling some oil property to the Chinese, leaving one anchor on a news channel to ask: “Can another country come in here and nationalize our resources?”  Yes they can, according to the Barlow warning.

A few years later I was talking to Geri Edgel, a former resident of Terrace, who had moved to Rocky Mountain House.  She saw an apartment house going up and asked around, thinking she might like to move in.  She was told it wasn’t commercial property but it was housing for the Chinese workers.  It was all strange to Geri and all I could think of was the Barlow article.

I surmise that it’s possible the Enbridge dog and pony show is being done for the public but it could as easily come in under the WTO agreement and ignore the wishes of local taxpayers anyway.  Someone might research this matter more closely than me, eh? My resources are limited. I keep calling the NDP office but they keep ignoring me.

I would say this invasion of Canada is worse than 1812.  The great depression of the 1930s ended the Wild West era, the current depression begun in 2008 has ended the automobile era of trade via highways and bridges; and we are beginning to see a global economy eventually overseen by a one world government.  Environmentally for a forest to be green each tree must be green; and for a world to be free each nation must be free.  And as sure as God made little green apples a global dictator is waiting in the wings ready to enslave the entire planet.

Who are you going to call when you need fascist busters?


Brian Gregg, Terrace, BC


Terrace Standard