Northern Gateway pipeline another nail in the planet’s coffin

With regards to the Northern Gateway Oil Pipe Line they are planning for the destruction of our not as beautiful B.C. as it used to be.

To the Editor:

With regards to Enbridge and the Northern Gateway Oil Pipe Line they are planning for the future destruction of our not as beautiful B.C. as it used to be.

Premier Christy Clark could take a lesson or two  and perhaps learn something from the eleven year old native girl that tells the story of the destructive potential from oil the way it should be and the way most British Columbians feel, no doubt.

It’s not about more of the almighty dollars that Premier Christy Clark has taken a wobbly stand.

The answer is “No” Christy – “N-o” and  probably  with great  hope you won’t be the beaking parrot long before this rude battle of crude is defeated.

Like the young native girl who  echoed the thoughts of so many people  as she peeked into her future.

What does the future hold when everything in the forest and sea are covered and killed off by unknown oil disasters?

By the time the young girl reaches the age of 60 if the planet is still breathing – most of you killers of the land will be dead, leaving your very own bubbling crude disaster’s to their children to wallow up to their necks in such another environmental mistake.

Leaving me to believe there is no politician smarter than a fifth grader as is proven everyday.


Ted Azyan, Osoyoos



Keremeos Review