Not a democracy

I wish the Mayor put as much effort into understanding his job as he has to undermining the democratic process.

I wish the Mayor put as much effort into understanding his job as he has to undermining the democratic process. He made a zero tax increase promise that has no foundation in reality. His ideas all sound like a S.W.A.G. to me. Facts do not seem to be the priority…

And his suggestions to get rid of projects that will cost nothing for the taxpayer because they could be funded by Clark or Harper…that is how his short-sightedness will be a loss for Campbell River and the money will go elsewhere!

If major stuff like this is getting by him, I wonder if he can possibly grasp the basic nuts and bolts of city finance and reliably pass judgment. This guy needs to do his homework.

Schoolyard bully tactics are not a mature and responsible reaction to having a bruised ego. The man who told the community he could work with anyone, seems to be unable to grasp the concept and appreciate the role of the elected majority. Guess I did not wake up in a democracy this morning…

Screaming and yelling are for temper tantrums, not for leaders who are truly interested in bringing people together to find solutions to common concerns.

I appreciate watching council meetings on the Internet. Although not perfect, I get a much better appreciation of how council does and does not work.

John Davidson

Campbell River

Campbell River Mirror