Not afraid to say it: the Caring Place must go

Sandy Macdougall’s neighborhood is not the only one, I am sure, that is fed up with what’s happening in our town.

Sandy Macdougall lives downtown and wants The Caring Place to move elsewhere.

Sandy Macdougall lives downtown and wants The Caring Place to move elsewhere.

Editor, The News:

Re: Simple solution: move Caring Place elsewhere (Letters, Oct. 5).

Sandy Macdougall’s neighborhood is not the only one, I am sure, that is fed up with what’s happening in our town.

It’s getting worse, and if something isn’t done soon, I can’t imagine what will become of our neighborhoods.

It’s already unsafe to let our children play in our parks and playgrounds.

I don’t shop in the downtown area, but avoid it.

We moved once already, from central Maple Ridge to the west side, only to unfortunately be back in the same situation – possessions being stolen, drugs being sold and used in the green space behind us.

As I type this letter, my husband sees that our truck’s tailgate opened, no doubt someone looking for something else to steal.

We are now planning to move again, hopefully out of Maple Ridge all together.

If our council and mayor really need more letters of complaint before they open their eyes to what’s going on, then they are a big part of the problem by refusing to admit what we all know.

If Mr. Daykin wants to keep watching Maple Ridge deteriorate into another Downtown Eastside, if it’s not already there, then we have no choice but to write these letters in hopes he will open his eyes.

We all know what has fueled these issues, so I will say what most of us are afraid to, and that is, the Caring Place, it’s time to go.

E. Grant

Maple Ridge


Help needed

Editor, The News:

Re: Time for Sally Ann to find a new home (The News, Oct. 10).

Where has the compassion in our society gone?

I agree with the mayor: “We don’t necessarily see it as enabling bad behaviour.  We see it as being compassionate and giving people the benefit of grace.”

They need our help, love, and understanding.

There will always be people who are marginalized and in need of a helping hand.

We, as a society, must extent the help and comfort that these people desperately need, whether they are prostitutes or individual’s down on their luck.

The great Jewish radical Jesus hung out with a prostitute, so don’t get too self-righteous about these people and their shortcomings.

The Caring Place is doing what it can to minister to these lost souls and show them that there is still a bit of love and compassion left in our hearts and society.

Although, it’s getting harder to find these days.

Where is your compassion?

John McKenzie

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News