

Not all addicts come from trauma

In my I became "addicted" to nicotine and alcohol simply because it was the cool thing to do

Not all addicts come from trauma

C. Parker would have us believe that addiction is “due to mental illness, abuse, emotional or some kind of major trauma” and further states “they don’t just wake up one day and decide to be an addict”, so for those reasons we “should have a bit of compassion or empathy”. (Letter opposing drug program filled with misinformation, disrespect)

So there you have it folks, stop bitching and, above all keep on forking out your tax dollars for these poor unfortunate individuals that you see laying around the streets of Duncan!

Well C. Parker, I really don’t know where you got all your information from but I suggest to you that, from a personal experience on “addiction”, for the majority, you are dead wrong.

I never experienced any of the negative reasons you provided. In my youth many, many years ago I became “addicted” to nicotine and alcohol simply because it was the cool thing to do as my buddies were doing it. It then became a habit because I liked the sensation, that’s it, plain and simple.

It was literally hell quitting smoking 50 years ago, quitting alcohol was less traumatic 25 years ago, but nonetheless challenging in one way or the other.

So when I hear the bleeding hearts wanting more and more and more of my tax dollars to throw down a useless hole of free drugs I see red. My advice to the homeless “addicts” is, stop what is killing you, get a life, get a job and earn some self respect and a home will follow.

And my advice to the bleeding hearts is, you sure as hell are not helping the situation. You are adding to the problem by showing “empathy” for those looking for a reason, any reason to continue being addicted.

John Walker

Cobble Hill

Cowichan Valley Citizen