‘Not all is lost, the impossible is still possible’

I disagree that the authorities are mainly interested in sweeping the problems under the rug.

Editor, The News:

Re: Prisoners need someone (Letters, Jan.13).

That we ought to focus on the root causes of why we have so many problems in our justice system is a very good argument, and it is true that much of it starts in childhood, with too may parents abandoning their responsibilities.

Too often they set a poor example with their own lifestyle and many seem to be incapable of giving a wholesome direction to their children.

Suggestions to inmates, such as not to feel sorry for themselves and always blaming others for their misfortunes, or not going back to their former buddies are also good, but mostly fall on deaf ears.

On the negative side, I disagree that the authorities are mainly interested in sweeping the problems under the rug. I am convinced that most of them care and do their best.

Also, the writer’s opening statement that the rehabilitation system is a total failure is far too negative. As can be expected, there are many who re-offend, but there are also many who make a new start in life.

As for Mr. Lukyn, whose letter of Jan. 6 prompted the reply from D. Nelson, kudos to you for bringing to our attention the many things that should be improved upon in the prison system. The general public has no idea what goes on behind those prison walls.

I also commend you for what you have apparently accomplished to better yourself.

Sadly, despite all those efforts, your letter ends with the impression that it is still “three strikes and you’re out” for you.

But when we think all is lost, the impossible is still possible.

Without doubt, it was no coincidence that a specific message was published on page 18 of the same paper of Jan. 6, under Acts of Faith, which should have special meaning for you. I urge you to read it through it at least once, maybe more.

And know that there are many people and organizations on the outside, mostly volunteers, ready to help you and others to make that new start you seek, such as the Salvation Army, the M2M and W2W programs as well as the House of Good Sheppard in New Westminster.

Have courage.

Walter Verwoerd

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News