Not enough information about new RCMP station

What studies have been done to evaluate the renovation of existing buildings



Not enough information about new RCMP station

There hasn’t been enough information made available to citizens of North Cowichan to allow us to judge the merits of the current proposal for a new RCMP building.

For example, what studies have been done to evaluate the renovation of existing buildings to suit the RCMP’s future needs? Where is the cost of selling/repurposing the existing building shown in the total estimate of cost? Why weren’t the services of the consultant team put out to competitive tender? Why hasn’t the construction been put out to tender? The cost of construction in Ft. St. John is markedly different than it is in North Cowichan, so assumptions about similarities simply aren’t valid.

This exercise is fraught with examples of a lack of understanding of design and construction of public buildings. The accountability to tax payers that should be readily apparent is absent.

Every citizen concerned about his/her taxes should take a few minutes to register opposition to the Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 3787, 2020. If the APP is defeated, a referendum on this expense will proceed and we’ll all have a chance to review the information that should guide this decision.

Marilyn Palmer

Quamichan Neighbourhood

Cowichan Valley Citizen