Not enough ink to fight goofy ideas

I would like to prevail upon my Member of Parliament to ask her fellow members to not bring ill-thought-out bills forward in Parliament.

I would like to prevail upon my Member of Parliament to ask her fellow members to not bring ill-thought-out bills forward in Parliament.

Bill C-30 is one example where the minister says “you’re either with us or with child pornographers.” The pension bill is another, not to mention the robocalls as an example of the depths to which the party of John A. Macdonald, Robert Borden and John Diefenbaker has sunk.

I think the final straw was my MP’s answer to my letter to her about the exporting of asbestos to Third World countries. She accused me of being a “colonist” as I shouldn’t  tell India which products they should bring in. My defence is that India or whatever country should bring in whatever products they want but Canada shouldn’t be privy to exporting these goods.

Please Ms. Nina Grewal, I can’t keep up my writing against all these goofy ideas unless you tell your colleagues to take a breather and stop and think first before they act.


Fred Girling, Surrey

Surrey Now Leader