Not good enough

Resident frustrated with snow clearing in the City of Vernon

On Jan. 5, I made a trip into Kelowna to the airport, and shopping. There had been a large snowfall the previous night and I left Armstrong at 3 p.m.

The roads in Armstrong had been plowed, the highway going into Vernon was cleared, Vernon roads were a mess.

The rest of the way into Kelowna was clear and the main streets in Kelowna were cleared.  On my return at around 5 p.m. I had two stops to make in Vernon. One at the Village Green Centre and one at a business on 27th Street. The roads where not plowed and there were vehicles sliding all over the place.

The mall parking lot was plowed.

As 43rd Avenue and 27th Street are main roads, I could not believe they had not been plowed and vehicles were struggling and sliding through a large pile of slush. When I returned to Armstrong, I spoke with a friend from Enderby and their roads had been cleared.

On the weekend, I had to make a trip into Vernon to a residence off of Okanagan Avenue, Valleyview Place.

Again we had snow, and again the roads were a mess and there had been no snow removal.  Cars were jamming up the streets and single-lane traffic was only possible.

Now, if Enderby can remove snow, Armstrong can remove snow, and Kelowna can remove snow, why on earth can Vernon  not remove snow?

This is not a new problem with Vernon roads. I have noticed this over the past few years as I do a lot of my shopping and appointments there. Many times I have cancelled appointments and trips when it snows because I am aware of Vernon’s poor snow removal.

By the way, both trips were in the late afternoon, and I never saw a single snowplow.

Shame on you Vernon.

Time for Vernon taxpayers to have their voices heard.

Barbara Birban



Vernon Morning Star