Not happy with new Councillor Oates

What an arrogant man Oates is for a new councillor.

Re: Coun. Kirk Oates’ comments about woodstoves in the Feb. 5 edition of The NEWS.

What an arrogant man Oates is for a new councillor.

First of all, to question your fellow councillors’ political will because they do no agree with you and then to suggest all people who want woodstoves should perhaps move to the regional district?

Who does he think he is? He was not elected to tell people where to live or how to think or how to heat their homes.

Wood is a cheap, clean, carbon-neutral way to heat your home. The modern woodstoves burn smokeless and the environmental protection agency has new regulations coming in 2016 to make woodstoves even cleaner.

I will give Oates the benefit of doubt as a new councillor, but please before he goes honking like a foghorn or smashing like a sledge hammer, he should think about people he is affecting.

As an aside, what about preparing for the big one? A woodstove will provide heat, light, cooking and a place to boil water.

So, Coun. Oates, please before you make any more uninformed comments, do your homework.

Bill RollierParksville

Parksville Qualicum Beach News