Not leading the way

Resident challenges MP Colin Mayes on comments recently provided

In all of the rankings that MP Colin Mayes alludes to, Canada is not leading the way.

For best working lives for women, according to UNICEF, New Zealand is No. 1, followed by Norway and Sweden.

For gender equality, according to the Gender Inequality Index, the Netherlands leads in equality, followed by Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, Norway and Finland. Canada is not in the top 10.

For women in parliament, according to the World Bank, Rwanda is No. 1 for the number of women MPs, followed by Andorra, Cuba and Sweden. Canada is not in the top 20.

In terms of newborn and child health, according to Save the Children’s State of the World’s Mothers report, the best place to be born is Finland, followed by Sweden, Norway, Iceland and the Netherlands. Canada is No. 22 out of 25 countries.

Please Mr. Mayes, don’t try to fool all of the people, all of the time.

Simo Korpisto



Vernon Morning Star