Not much of a future with refinery

Proposal for Kitimat refinery would not lift up Canadians in the world

Dear Sir:

Re: Chinese bank signs on to refinery plan [posted 18 April].

Mr. Black’s proposal would seem to fit nicely with the Right Honourable Stephen’s plan to keep Canadians in their traditional ‘place’ in the world — hewers of wood and drawers of water (to which we can now add ‘pump handle remairmen’).

We are not looking at ‘development’ here: at least not in terms of human development. Mr. Black promises that “Chinese companies will be involved in the engineering and construction of the refinery which, if the project proceeds as planned, will be manufactured elsewhere and shipped to Kitimat for on-site assembly”.

In other words…for Canadians, a Fossil Future. God bless us, every one.

John How

Terrace, B.C.

Terrace Standard