Not negativity but democracy

Apparently if you publicly disagree, and I have, with some of the decisions and actions of this council, Mr. McLure finds you subversive

In response to Bob Mclure’s letter in the PNR Aug. 22.

Apparently if you publicly disagree, and I have, with some of the decisions and actions of this council, Mr. McLure finds you subversive and unwelcome.

Only those who will not question or criticize council’s wisdom and are prepared to do battle with those who do are welcome.

Sidney is indeed a beautiful town and I for one would not want to live anywhere else and I want to keep it that way.

Our downtown stores and businesses and our waterfront are the life blood of our community and when they become threatened either directly or indirectly I will stand up and do whatever I can to mitigate that threat.

If this means questioning, criticizing and holding the town leaders and decision makers accountable for their actions or inaction then that is exactly what I will do.

This is not negativity.

It is in fact, democracy.

Susan Davey




Peninsula News Review