Not too much to expect just basic service

NANAIMO: Re: Density factor in decision, Opinion, Sept. 27.

To the Editor,

Re: Density factor in decision, Opinion, Sept. 27.

The density factor doesn’t make much sense to me.

It is like the proverbial saying ,which should come first, the cart or the horse? They are symbiotic.

Sewer connection is needed for resident density. There would definitely be more density in Western Acres if there were sewer hook-ups. It would allow some of the larger lots to have a second home or more in some cases, thereby increasing density plus tax dollars.

Also, the editorial reads, “in a perfect world, every resident within city limits would have access to the benefits of sewer services.” I realize we don’t live in a perfect world, but really, is it too much to ask for such a basic service in this day and age?

Western Acres is not some outlying area. If you draw a straight line across a city map, Western Acres would be bisected by Wakesiah Avenue. Our elevation is probably the same as Vancouver Island University and students living in Western Acres had no problem walking the mile to school. Can you imagine Wakesiah residents not having city services?

Your editorial also states “the people at Western Acres may have piped up a little too late.”

If not now, when? Is sewer going to be cheaper to install years from now? I don’t think so.

Regarding Green Lake, Coun.Fred Pattje  said 36 years is way too long, and Coun. Jim Kipp said it could have been done a long time ago for a fraction of the cost.

D. Budd


Nanaimo News Bulletin