Nothing has changed at Langley City bus loop

Langley City allows this to continue to happen over and over again and does not step up and do something about it.

Editor: Re: “Man beaten at bus stop,” (The Times, Dec. 4). You’re kidding me, right? We have a “notoriously violent Logan Avenue bus exchange” and there are no security cameras and no security or transit police.

So people like Chris Lafrenier can go to work to support himself and take the bus home, and then get severely beaten up by some Langley teens, and all we can say is “the bus loop is supposed to be moved to 203 Street, but there’s no date given as to when that will happen.”

I am sickened by the attitude of the  City of Langley, in that they would allow this to continue to happen over and over again and not step up and do something about it.  Before my son was driving, I drove him to a different bus stop to get to and from work, because I would not let him take the bus from Logan Avenue.

Nothing has changed.  Shame on you, Langley City

Anita Nicholson,


Langley Times