Nothing will change at Langley City bus loop

A passenger who was assaulted at the bus loop says it will still be a dangerous place, even if it moves.

Editor: Re: “Nothing has changed at Langley City bus loop” (letters, The Times, Dec. 9).

As a regular commuter on the TransLink buses that pull into the Logan Avenue bus loop, and as someone who has also been assaulted at that loop, I have to agree with everyone who has voiced concerns over security issues surrounding that bus loop.

I fortunately was not hurt in the assault I experienced this past summer, but it shook me up considerably. The attentiveness and quick response by a bus driver, Mike, ensured that the situation I found myself in didn’t escalate to more than it did.

Not everyone who has been attacked there has been so lucky. Nothing will change at that bus loop. How will moving it to 203 Street make any difference, unless definitive security measures are put in place there?

The type of person who will attack another human being won’t care where the loop is located. They use the buses too, and they will still be present, wherever the loop ends up being moved to.

There is always a criminal element at transit loops, no matter what city they are located in. TransLink and our communities would be best to acknowledge and address this.

I do everything humanly possible to get a bus at a different stop and to not have to go to that bus loop anymore.  I am afraid.


Helen Brooke,


Langley Times