November is the cruelest month, but at least we have …

A fortnight worth of Hugs and Slugs!

Hugs: To the fellows at Melody Motors — while driving to Kimberley in the rain, my windshield wiper (driver’s side!) stopped working. Bit of a safety hazard was I, eh? But I pulled in, and they were glad to tighten up the nut with the ratchet — problem solved easily. Thanks, guys.

Hugs: Big hugs to the responsible neighbors that clean up their leaves every fall and don’t expect others to do it for you after if all blows into their yards instead.

Slugs: To the homeowners that don’t rake up their own leaves but leave 10 bags plus to blow into neighbors yard so they have to do your work for you. Entitlement is not attractive or appreciated so… be a good neighbor and rake up your leaves!

Hugs: To the drivers that recognize speed limits in neighborhoods. Kids walk the streets and don’t always look both ways. Please slow down and make streets safer for our kids.

Slugs: Driving up and down Victoria is bad at the best of times but this only gets worse when you approach 2nd St (North & South) There is absolutely no reason to have turn arrows in any direction. Also traffic on both streets seems to have a major preference over Victoria traffic no matter how busy. I have sat on Victoria at a red light while cars on 2nd going in either direction can be up to a couple blocks away still manage to get a green light while Victoria traffic waits. This NEVER happens for traffic on Victoria. Soon as there is a couple seconds delay between cars the green switches back to second street even if it is for one car. The city needs to take a close look at this and fix it. This is definitely a definition of a slug.

Slugs: To the person who sent slugs to the person who sent slugs to those without face coverings at grocery stores the week before last. There is no valid scientific, ethical, or intellectual reason not to wear a mask. Ignoring HARD facts in favour of your own poorly sourced “research” doesn’t make you an intellectual.

Hugs: To OK Tire for great service. Highly recommended as a company that can be trusted

to look after your vehicle whether it is mechanical or tire related. Have used this company for several years now so speak from personal experience.

Hugs: To Brendan Dowling, Food and Beverage Manager of the Heritage Inn Hotel, for providing space for the AGM of the Zone 7, 55+ Games Society.

Hugs: We recently renovated our master bedroom ensuite. Hugs to Rob of Ramex Renovations, Rob from Flooring Superstores, Garold of Archdesign Cabinetry, and Jordan from Cranbrook Glass for an excellent job. Highly recommend them!

Hugs: Huge hug and thanksgiving to the customer that returned my purse into Wal-Mart on Oct. 26th. May God bless you for your honesty. In appreciation I am going to make a donation to the Food Bank. Thank you.

Hugs: To Corey, the installer from Cranbrook Flooring. He was friendly, polite and hard working. When he had finished laying our family room carpet, he asked us 70 yr olds if he could help bring some of the heavy furniture back in and proceeded to move it in – with our limited help. Oh, did I mention, he did a fabulous job laying the carpet.

Hugs: To the two tall men who delivered our furniture from the Brick. The furniture was brought in, set up and looked great. They noticed that we were getting a TV ready to mount on the wall and asked if they could help. Since we are climbing up in age, we took the help. They had it up in less than a minute – thank you so much for the extra service at no additional charge. You’ve got to love the wonderful people in this town.

Hugs: To my neighbour Oreen on 24th Avenue North who does a fabulous job on outdoor decorating for Halloween. The large figures were fun to see at night, although I have to admit that when I first saw them I was really ‘scared’ (but they turned out to be friendly).

Big hugs to Wolfpack Signs and Printing for the great job of putting a design on my vehicle.

Slugs: To the person who feeds the crows and ravens in the Wal-Mart parking lot! They were picking trash out of your truck, parked beside mine, and spreading it all over the parking lot. I tried to throw rocks at the birds to scare them off however this caused them to poop all over your truck and mine. Maybe you should stop leaving copious amounts of garbage in the box of your truck. Also, the city should institute a program to deter the crows and ravens that people draw in with their filthy waste habits.

Slugs: To those responsible for purposely destroying quality property at the dumps. Maybe they don’t realize that fathers come down here with their sons to take apart engines to teach their boys how they work. Or that retired men come down here and find their purpose later in life by scavenging washing machine drums to build fire pits. Or that those who are unemployed during this pandemic come down here to find treasures to rebuild and resell. For many it’s a mental health thing.

Hugs: Huge hugs to Meraki Mechanical for outstanding service & customer relations regarding a stricken Toyota Sienna Oct 21/20-many, many thanks from the Brothers!

Hugs: To Shauna at the Chamber of Commerce and the other two gentlemen who quickly came to my aid after I accidentally spilled a load of sheathing off the back of my son’s truck onto the highway. Without their help I’d probably still be there. Greatly appreciated help!

Hugs: Huge hugs to Dr. Holly Munroe, Dr. Joanna Kouwenberg, Charlotte, and the rest of the staff at Tanglefoot Veterinary for the great care they gave me and my baby boy Zeus. They worked so hard to help him and we’re so very compassionate when it was his time to cross the rainbow bridge.

Slugs: To the person who sent slugs to those without face coverings at grocery stores last week. We must accept that there are many extremely valid medical, psychological, scientific, intellectual, and ethical reasons why not everyone can or will wear masks.

Hugs: To our local Sobey’s store and a Huge Thank you to all of the employees that work there. The staff are always pleasant and willing to help you find anything you need. It’s a pleasure shopping in your store.

Hugs: To our local Wal-mart in Cranbrook. Keeping the shelves stocked up is no easy task through this challenging time. A big hug and a huge Thank You to all of the staff. I feel safe inside your store.

Slugs: To the drivers that do not defrost their vehicle windows or sweep the snow off before driving.

Hugs: A big hug to all the staff at Save-On in Cranbrook. Everyone in that store is friendly and kind. They all have a kind word for everyone, are invariably helpful and seem genuinely interested in every shopper. I am a bit slow packing my groceries, and am always told there is no hurry. I always feel happier on my way home from the store from all the cheerful interactions while shopping. Thank you all!

Hugs: To the gentleman in the white “Duffy’s Doors” vehicle who paid for my order as well as the one for the car behind me at the Tim Horton’s drive through on Monday – much appreciated and thanksfor the smiles.

Hugs: Huge hugs to Mrs. Munroe for being an amazing woman and paying it forward. Thank you.

Hugs: To two lovely people from Moyie. Last Friday, with traffic stalled on the Moyie Bluffs due to a motor vehicle incident, this lovely couple, despite bad roads and bad weather went down the long line of cars offering water and snacks for anyone who was in need. We were on our way back from a vacation in the West Kootenays so we were fine but I am sure there were many who were unprepared for the long wait. It was a touching and thoughtful thing for them to do. It was tragic, what happened on the highway but I believe this couple deserve a big hug for their effort.

Send Hugs and Slugs to

Cranbrook Townsman

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