November Roses and Raspberries

Roses to the Animal Care Hospital of Williams Lake.

Roses to the Animal Care Hospital of Williams Lake.

Vets Doug Magnowski, Amy Jordan and her assistant, Carla.

Doug, though unwell himself, got up in the middle of a rainy night to aid a sick horse.

In the morning had a staff member call to see how Badger was doing.

When told things were not good sent help as he was dealing with another emergency.

Amy and Carla helped make a bad situation bearable. We are so lucky to have such professionals serving our community.

Thank you so much.

Dave and Debra Graf


A truckload of roses for Loren Buckle for the great get together on Sept. 27 — wonderful job and enjoyed by everyone.

Pauline Perry, family and friends


A huge bunch of Halloween roses to many who helped with the Miocene Community Halloween Party.

The construction crew — Bruce, Kevin and Stewart — and the assembly crew — Brenda, Carla and Eileen — plus Kelly in the hall.

Also thanks to the Miocene Fire Department for the hot chocolate and the camp fire. Also Megan for her assistance.

It was another great success. Thank you, again, and see you next year.

Joyce Randall


To the gentleman who helped me into emergency and parked my vehicle for me on Oct. 24, I send a huge bouquet of roses for your kindness.

You went out of your way to help me and I appreciate it. Glad that there are people like you still out there.

M. C. Peters

150 Mile House


I would like to acknowledge and thank all our volunteers at the senior activity centre from the bottom of my heart.

Every minute, hour or day you give makes the centre a wonderful place to be for seniors in our community.

We can’t do it without you!

Glenda Winger,



This is a note of heartfelt thanks to the 150 Mile Volunteer Fire Department who came to my rescue on Nov. 6 at my home and also to the ambulance people that had taken me to the hospital.

A bucket of roses to both!

They probably don’t know the end result to what the problem was; a three-centimetre hole in my stomach that poisoned my insides. An operation followed and I am on the mend no. Thanks!

Doug Cobb

150 Mile House

Williams Lake Tribune