Now’s the time for Nathan Cullen

I am impressed and heartened by his honesty, intelligence, and care for the health of Canada and its people.

Dear Sir:

This New Year, our northwest region of BC is offering Canada the gift a young dynamic leader who is committed to bringing people together rather than dividing them with wedge issues.

He works for the advancement of families and communities rather than working for the advancement of multinational corporations. In Canada it is still possible to get elected without being a multimillionaire. This is no longer true of the US and it could change here very quickly.

Now is the time to help Nathan Cullen become leader of the NDP and then Prime Minister of Canada.

The traditional Conservative and Liberal parties have been hijacked by money and so I think that those who have voted otherwise in the past can now sign up for the NDP on a trial basis and vote for our local contender.

We can vote our conscience and hopes rather than a loyalty to ideology and party. People can see Nathan in person at meetings around our region and can talk to him about real issues.

His record in politics is open for all to read. People may not and should not agree with him on all issues but they will find that he listens to all and tries to craft solutions that fit the specific challenge through consultations and courage.

I do not speak for Nathan Cullen and I don’t expect to agree with him on certain subjects but I am impressed and heartened by his honesty, intelligence, and care for the health of Canada and its people.

I think that he will actually do something about the loss of good paying jobs, the growing levels of poverty and homelessness in Canada, the push for warplanes, warships and prisons instead of peace keeping, development and free post secondary education.

He could engage our youth in the democratic process and offer them the means of skills training and education without crippling debt at the start of one’s career.

Please consider helping Nathan in this historic time. He needs help in his campaign to become leader of the NDP. After that anything is possible even democracy.

Noel Reidy, Terrace, BC


Terrace Standard