Nurse Practitioner services in Burns Lake

I would like to share details of the services of nurse practitioners (NP) in Burns Lake


I would like to take this opportunity to share details of the services of nurse practitioners (NP) in Burns Lake and the surrounding region.

I am one of two full-time nurse practitioners providing primary care to patients in Burns Lake, Southside, Granisle, Tachet and Woyenne.

Nurse practitioners are registered nurses with a master’s degree in advanced clinical practice. Legislation was passed in 2005 in British Columbia in order for this new health care professional work.

In the Lakes District, the NPs work as primary care providers, seeing patients of all ages, for a variety of reasons – from treating acute issues like infection or injury, to dealing with complex care needs. NPs are able to order diagnostic tests, such as lab or x-ray, and refer patients to specialists as needed. NPs can prescribe medications, and we work collaboratively with our physician colleagues. We also provide community education upon request, such as the recent seniors health and wellness workshop hosted by the Village of Burns Lake.

I and my colleague Shawna Glassel have open practices, and are accepting new patients. We prefer to see our patients as exclusively as possible (as do our physician colleagues), to prevent duplication or gaps in care.

We wish to invite any Burns Lake and area residents who are seeking a primary care provider to contact the Lakes District Hospital at 250-692-2412.


Beth Berlin



Burns Lake Lakes District News