Oak Bay-Gordon Head MLA explains voting record

Andrew Weaver responds to letter contrasting his campaign and legislature actions

Re: Weaver’s actions somehow ignored (Letters, Sept. 6)

I thank Mr. Faris for challenging me to justify why I voted in support of the B.C. budget on July 8.

The motion on which I voted was deemed to be a confidence motion in the government. Were the motion to fail (for example in the case of a minority government), we would be heading into another general election.

The B.C. Liberals proposed this same budget prior to the election and got re-elected. B.C. voters had an opportunity to elect another party but chose to re-elect the Liberals for four more years. I felt it was important to support British Columbians in this regard.

Over the course of my campaign, I said numerous times that I would work with whichever party formed government. I do not believe that opposing the budget that the Liberals ran on (and won on) a mere eight weeks after the election would be fulfilling this promise.

During the campaign I also stated that I wanted to do politics differently. Opposition members are afforded the opportunity to vote against everything without having to propose very much.

I feel that I better serve the constituents of Oak Bay-Gordon Head and the citizens of B.C. by supporting the overall budget, thereby showing confidence in the newly elected government, while continuing to raise concerns about the aspects I find troublesome.

Mr. Faris is incorrect in implying that projected liquid natural gas revenues are in the 2013-14 budget. They would not materialize until well after the next election.

For reasons I outlined in the election campaign, I remain convinced that such hypothetical revenues are at best wishful thinking.

I continue to believe that the future prosperity of British Columbia lies in our clean tech sector, sustainable forestry, and the small business community.

Of course, as we move forward I will be reassessing my position on each new budget introduced into the legislature.

Andrew Weaver

MLA Oak Bay-Gordon Head

Victoria News