OAK BAY letter: Low density more desirable

What makes Oak Bay one of the most desirable places to live in Greater Victoria? Is it not lower density?

Unfortunately Alan Breakspear’s letter Failing to plan is planning to fail (letters, June 18) is significantly off the mark.

Perhaps he is unaware that Oak Bay already has an official community plan which the present council wishes to change to increase density. Neither the mayor (for whom I voted) nor the four councillors who consistently vote together were elected on higher density platforms.

What makes Oak Bay one of the most desirable places to live in Greater Victoria? Is it not lower density?

Former mayors and councillors for several generations have protected Oak Bay from higher density developments which are found in many other municipalities and such increase in density has not made for better living conditions.

Maintaining strict zoning rules has created living conditions we enjoy today and to change that will not create a better place to live.

I worked downtown for 35 years and observed higher density in action. It was supposed to eliminate drug addicts and panhandling. Mr. Breakspear, do you ever go downtown? Does anyone remember Harry Elsdon and his zealous efforts to enforce Oak Bay bylaws?

We need governance that will keep the cost of operating the municipality down and increased density will not do that.

As to more rentals, many years ago I asked W.A.C. Bennett why he instituted the homeowner’s grant and his response was clear – promoting home ownership creates more stability in a community.

Let the fall election direct the future of our neighbourhoods. I say let the mayor and four councillors run in the upcoming election promoting increased density.

Perhaps other competent citizens will step forward to continue on our present planning path that has served us so well during these last number of decades.

Patrick Skillings

Oak Bay


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