Obama backer working off different set of facts

Everyone however, does not have a right to their own erroneous facts to support that opinion

Re: Alternative facts (PQB Letters, Feb. 9).

Interesting letter, but if you look long enough and hard enough, you can find data to support your claims, especially when there is so much disinformation and skewed information available in the predominately left biased media.

However, as to Obama’s rating, check these few sites, four of many, on the ‘net: TopTens, the worst; Truthfeeds, the worst; Socawlege, fourth-worst; Washington Times, the worst since WWII. Approval rating, yes, of about 60 per cent, but what else but a positive number when the polls were conducted by those stalwarts of truth ABC, CNN, FOX and The Washington Post?

Not only did Obama pull U.S. troops out of Iraq fully knowing that the Iraqis were incapable of taking control of their country, but he announced the date of withdrawal. ISIS filled the void that was left and he facilitated their rise.

Remember the “line in the sand” in Syria that wasn’t to be crossed? And when it was, he did absolutely squat. Some leader, some legacy.

And if the words “Iran” and “nuke” don’t scare the hell out of you, maybe you should find out why they do scare the hell out of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel.

Everyone has a right to their opinion. Everyone however, does not have a right to their own erroneous facts to support that opinion.

Murray Jarrett


Parksville Qualicum Beach News