Obamacare at the heart of U.S. shutdown

The egos of a few have ground the U.S. Federal government to a halt this week.

The egos of a few have ground the U.S. Federal government to a halt this week.

Each political party is blaming the other for the deadlock and the move could put the Americans’ fragile economy back into a recession, which could in turn hurt us, too.

As many as 800,000 federal government employees have been forced into taking leave from their jobs with some agencies almost entirely shutting down such as NASA, the commerce department and the Environmental Protection Agency.

The partial closure is even affecting farmers.

At the heart of the matter, it seems, is the Republicans’ refusal to let President Barack Obama’s new health-care reform legislation lie.

House Republicans have refused to pass spending measures needed to deal with the country’s debt until Obama makes the changes they want to the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

It’s a funny thing, because Obama fought for the Affordable Care Act in his first term, it was eventually passed, and he was re-elected based on the ACA for his second term.

It would seem the country has made itself overwhelmingly clear on what they want for health care.

Providing affordable health care is the right thing to do. The only people who don’t think so are the ones who can afford it the most.

Obama is going to have to stick to his guns on this one, or his health care legislation is going to go the same way as his suggested gun reforms.


Williams Lake Tribune