Obfuscation for the purpose of bewildering

Bringing in Vancouver Canucks into Acts of Faith too much for one reader

Editor, The News:

Acts of Faith writer Brad Warner and his ilk, ironically, attempt  to convince believers and everyone else, that his ‘wisdom,’ or lack of it, are proof of his version of a god?

I guess that’s the point of these ceaseless feeble parables that these self-appointed preachers inflict on those of us who like to read printed pulp.

For instance, this recent attempt to lasso the hockey fan. In this case, he targets those that have decided that the Canucks are the chosen idols.

Mr. Warner questions out loud for us, because we obviously can’t think for ourselves, “when does something move from being a gift in a person’s life to being a ‘god’ in that persons life,” then he goes on with a lot of this and that, of inconclusive and non-committed drivel about vague mysterious and partial, non-answers to a question that he himself has just posed.

Now if that’s not some sort of obfuscation for the purpose of bewildering, and then leading the bewildered, I don’t know what is.

This is the typical tactic of ‘preachers’ I’ve witnessed so far. It’s obviously not moral and surely its not legal. Is it? If not, how can I get in on this racket?

Grant Baker

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News