
Objections to Duncan Manor expansion unjustified

I wonder if the letter writers that make comments, ever go to Centennial Park

Objections to Duncan Manor expansion unjustified

Once again, we have letters to the editor making comments against having the Duncan Manor expansion taking place at the same location as where the present building is situated. These writers are shooting from the hip with out justifying their comments.

The whole purpose of keeping the expansion in the same area as the present building is its closeness to medical clinics, pharmacies, financial institutions, grocery stores, public transportation, and a seniors activity centre.

Some letter writers are saying the expansion should be done on the present hospital site after the new hospital is built. With the present financial situation with the B.C. provincial government, the new hospital construction will not start on time. There is no way that the new hospital can start construction with construction already started on the new St. Paul’s Hospital starting construction on the Mainland. The government does not have the money.

If the expansion was to be built on the present hospital site, what do the residents have to look forward to? Away from everything they have now, only left with a bus stop.

The new expansion involves alterations to Centennial Park, the lawn bowling centre, and the present parking lots.

The ironic thing here is that after the Duncan Manor expansion is completed, the lawn bowling centre will still be there, Centennial Park will still be there, and the parking lots will still be there.

I also wonder if the letter writers that make comments about the park being touched, ever go to Centennial Park themselves.

In summary, once again, letters written with no facts and reality on the subject.


Joe Sawchuk


Cowichan Valley Citizen